
Dial4242 Support

Last Update 3 years ago

Q. What all types of ambulances do you provide?

A. We provide basic life support, advanced cardiac life support,

Paediatric, Hearse van, train ambulance & Air ambulance.

Q. Whom should I reach in case of any query?

A. Please write to [email protected] to get your queries resolved.

Dial4242 support staff will answer your queries within 24 hours.

If you are a corporate customer, then you can reach out to your

dedicated account manager to get any queries resolved. The details of

your account manager are shared with your company SPOC.

Q. I am getting a better rate from others can you negotiate?

A. As a rule, we do not negotiate on the prices for the ambulance. By

becoming a member of our platform, you can avail discounted charges

for the ambulance trips

Q. Can you arrange the bed in the nearest hospital?

A. Yes we will try to support as much as possible for our members

Q. We have really poor/good service with you and we would like to

complain/appreciate where should I write my feedback?

A. You can mail us the feedback or complaint on

[email protected]. We will address if any issue within 24 hours.

Q. I have not opted for any Mediclaim policy from my Company, so

am I eligible for this service?

A. You can still register yourself for this service as long as you are an

employee of the company. You can also register the dependents based

on what you have taken in your company. Please talk to your company

HR to get the relevant details.

Q. Do I have the option to choose this service for (a) Home to

Company (b) Home to any other Hospital in my area based on my


A. The choice to use the service is entirely up to you. You can use this

from anywhere to anywhere.

Q. Will my company reimburse me the payments for availing this

Ambulance service (Within and outside my city) and up to what


A. Whether your organization will reimburse you for the Dial4242

services taken will be entirely up to your organization policies. You can

contact your local HR to get this clarification. Dial4242 is not a free

service and anyone availing of this service needs to pay for the same at

the time of availing of the service.

Q. If this service is required in other state, can I avail it for myself or

for my dependent members, if the situation arise. Will company

reimburse the payments and what is the process for


A. You can avail of this service in any city/state where we are present.

The list of cities is provided on www.dial4242.com. For reimbursement,

please refer to the above point for clarification

Q. The rate for these services is dependent on the distance

between the Ambulance 1st contact locations to final destination.

E.g. Ambulance is standing at 10 Kms away from my Home at

Location "A". After booking it reaches my home at Location "B"

(travelling 10 Kms). And then it reaches the destination which is

another 5 Kms away from my home (Location "C"). So, will I be

charged based on 10+ 5 Kms (A+B+C) or only 5 Kms (B+C)?

A. Ambulance charges are only from pickup to destination where the ambulance is sourced

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